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DRS Scheme Delay: A Setback Impacting the Community

The UK's Deposit Return Scheme has encountered yet another delay. Originally slated for a 2025 launch, the project now faces a revised deadline of 2027, as confirmed by Environment Secretary Steve Barclay in parliament. However, it's worth noting that this date is tentative rather than set in stone.

Meanwhile, in Malta, the Deposit Return Scheme, known as BCRS, has seen remarkable success. In its inaugural year, it collected 204 million containers, equivalent to a remarkable 79% of single-use beverage containers in circulation.

Reflecting on the potential impact of such a scheme in the UK, we can draw insights from data provided by the Mayor of London's website. It reveals that the average London adult purchases three bottles per week, translating to approximately 7.7 billion plastic bottles annually in the UK alone.

While alternative schemes are being considered, the potential benefits to both the environment and the community are significant.

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