Protocols and International bodies has one clear aim, that of in harmony create rules rules and protocols for the safeguard of the humanity in general with the intention of pushing the agenda in relation to the subject matter. One example of this such bodies is the International Whaling Commission which states that “ a wide range of programmes to understand and address threats including bycatch and entanglement, ship strikes, ocean noise, debris and pollution, disease and climate change”.
It's concerning when countries opt to withdraw from such commissions, as it suggests a potential deviation from the principles upheld by the organization and its member states in the future. This concern is exemplified by Japan's withdrawal from the International Whaling Commission in 2019, as articulated in the statement provided. What may have initially appeared as a minor disagreement or issue has now manifested into tangible consequences, with Japan proposing a draft revision to its policies on aquatic resources. Specifically, this revision aims to include the hunting of large fin whales, a species categorized as vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature's Red List of Threatened Species.
Based on this we are bound to ask, whether food culture and resources can justify a course of action which would edge the fin whales closer to extinction.