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SAF, a fresh perspective on courier selection

We are already familiar with Sustainable Aviation Fuel, as it has been discussed in numerous articles. What's particularly intriguing is its application, extending beyond our travel choices and influencing decisions such as selecting a courier company. It's one of those aspects we often overlook, but upon realization, we regret not considering it sooner.

DHL Express Germany's announcement of incorporating Standard Aviation Fuel (SAF) adds another layer to this perspective. Customers opting for the GoGreen Plus program when shipping goods now have the opportunity to reduce their carbon footprint when transporting items from distant locations.

Adding to the complexity of emotions, it's worth noting that DHL revealed on its website that in 2022, 450,000 DHL flights utilized SAF. While this may not be ground-breaking news for DHL, it highlights the ongoing commitment to sustainability. For the rest of us, it prompts a search for other potential applications of SAF that may have escaped our consideration.

For further details on DHL's use of SAF, we recommend exploring the information available on their website .


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